Huawei’s latest trademark is for their in-house operating system. The Chinese tech giant has filed a trademark application with the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The company is registering another name for their OS – Harmony. The application, which is currently under examination, was filed Friday last week.
Harmony, Ark, HongMeng OS are possible names for Huawei’s Android alternative and after the trade ban, its developement got accelerated with reports saying that it may launch later this year or early next year. So far, we know that it performs relatively faster than Android allegedly 60% and that it has a broader application – not just smartphones, but PCs, wearables, IoTs and even self-driving cars.
The trade ban got lifted, kind of but Huawei is still uncertain if they can use Google’s apps and services. It’s no wonder as they wait for official communication, work on their in-house operating system is still going on.
We already know when Huawei is launching Android Q-based EMUI 10 and we can’t wait for when the new OS goes public.