Move aside OK Boomer memes at least for now as the flight attendant meme takes over. In some rare instances, a passenger or more can sometimes get ill on a flight and cabin crew have to make an announcement requesting emergency medical assistance which is necessary to deal with minor incidents or major ones such as panic attacks, fainting or nausea to strokes or heart attacks respectively.
The flight attendant memes started when Laura Gao, a product manager at Twitter and also a comic imagined her father roasting her when a frazzled flight attendant asks if there is a doctor on board during an in-flight medical emergency.
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor onboard?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a Product Manager to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “let’s have a follow-up meeting" helps
— Laura Gao ☕️ (@heylauragao) November 26, 2019
This tweet format became a template for even more memes revolving around people’s non-mainstream jobs and pressure from your family to be in better careers like medicine.
FLIGHT ATTENDANT: we have a passenger who needs medical attention, is there a doctor on this flight?
MY IMMIGRANT MOM (pointing at me): my son could’ve been one if he had applied himself instead of disappointing the family
— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) November 30, 2018
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a journalist to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “finding a second source" helps
— Lil Uzi Hurt 🥺 (@lostblackboy) November 26, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a cinematographer to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “moody lighting" helps
— jackson hayes (@jacksonhvisuals) November 26, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a YouTuber to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if "what up guys" helps
— The Dad (@thedad) November 22, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a cryptotrader to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “buy bitcoin" helps
— Whalebot Web3 (@CryptoWhalebot) November 25, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a dancer to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “plié relevé” helps
— Martina 🦋 (@CryBabyDancer) November 26, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a graphic designer to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “proper kerning" helps
— Felix Schlater (@felixschlater) November 26, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a UPS driver to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go see if throwing a box into a garage door helps
— sweatpants cher🔸 (@House_Feminist) November 26, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a sports marketer to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if throwing them a t-shirt helps
— 𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙂𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙚 (@Chris_Grosse) November 26, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a twitter lame joke account to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “what’s BOFA” helps
— Dr. Bucky Isotope, Astrologist, IQ 188 (@BuckyIsotope) November 26, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor onboard?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a Software Dev to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “StackOverflow" helps
— Jason.json (@Brandon_Hinds) November 27, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a law prof to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening now
Dad: Go and see if a 25,000-word essay no one will read helps
— Steve Vladeck (@steve_vladeck) November 27, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor onboard?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a Content Strategist to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “on brand storytelling" helps
— Mel (@Melethonomia) November 26, 2019
The New York Times got in on it
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a crossword columnist to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “witty commentary" helps
— New York Times Games (@NYTGames) November 26, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor onboard?
Dad: *nudging me* go tell them
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a Psychotherapist to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if “how is your relationship to your mother" helps
— i (@FrghalFaker12) November 27, 2019
*makes self-deprecating PM joke during Thanksgiving week thinking coworkers won't see it*
*Tweet goes viral*
— Laura Gao ☕️ (@heylauragao) November 26, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor onboard?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: *donning scarf, hat, bow tie, question mark umbrella* I’m ready
— Ben Werdmuller (@benwerd) November 26, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor onboard?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a Poet to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if reading Sonnets helps
— Abdullah Deewana (@JeanDmello) November 27, 2019
Flight attendant: Is there a doctor onboard?
Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you
Me: Not now Dad
Dad: Not asking for a Copywriter to help, are they?
Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now
Dad: Go and see if a tagline helps.
— 3MuskerBeards (@kenyan_parody) November 27, 2019
Flight Attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight?
Dad: *looks at me proudly*
Me: *raises hand*
Flight Attendant: We have a person in need of urgent medical assistance…
Me: I’m not that kind of doctor
— David Steppenbeck (@dsteppenbeck) November 27, 2019