Ticketed Twitter Spaces feature has been in the works since Twitter launched its live audio platform. The social audio space is getting really competitive and established tech giants outranking Clubhouse, the platform that brought live audio last year.
With the like of Facebook, Telegram, Spotify, Discord and even LinkedIn launching Clubhouse-cloned features, Twitter has been announcing new features in its bid to lead its rivals.
Just this week, the company announced that they finally letting hosts schedule spaces and allowing listeners set reminders for said Spaces.
Ticketed Twitter Spaces was one of the features the social platform announced early this month among a bunch of new features we’ll talk about below.
Twitter has now begun previewing this feature.
Here’s Everything You Need To Know
In terms of revenue cut, hosts will get 80% of the total revenue after Twitter, Apple and Google take their in-app cut.
Twitter is partnering with Stripe for ticket processing an payments. Twitter will cover the transaction fees.
Also, Spaces host will need a Stripe account.
To be eligible for Ticketed Spaces, hosts will have to 18 years old, have over 1000 followers(users with over 600 followers can host spaces), and hosted three spaces in the the past month.
Twitter will begin testing Ticketed Spaces in the US first and then this feature will roll out globally.
It’s worth noting that Stripe is yet to be available in other parts of the world including Africa. Stripe recently acquired Lagos-based Paystack for $200 million. Paystack could launch in Kenya after South Africa entry.
However, Paystack accounts are not Stripe accounts.
So it’ll be interesting to see how Twitter navigates this hurdle.
Ticketed Spaces will be among the new revenue features for its users and help monetize the platform. Other revenue features include Tip jar, Super Follows and a yet to be launched Communities feature.
The tech giant is working on Twitter Blue, its subscription product that will cost $2.99 (approx. KES 300) every month.
Here are a few thoughts about this announcement:
Other Features
Twitter is also working to bring new features to Spaces including the Ability to natively record conversations, Accessibility on the Web, Improved Discoverability, and Improved Accessibility.