Samsung galaxy S III, launched on the 3rd of this month, will be in the hands of consumers before the month ends, precisely the 29th of May for UK preorder customers, and the next day for the other masses. This phone that has another record of the most preorders at 9 million will be available in Russia on June 6th, again for preorders. I have also gotten wind of info that it’s available for pre-order in India. Sad that we dont have that Pre-order vocabulary in this part of the globe. But not to worry, we will have it early, trends have been we get Samsung devices also early, judging by Samsung Galaxy S II and Galaxy Note where we got them before the US and Canada. That’s some hope right there.
Now just in-case you have not been convinced of why there is so much buzz around this super-phone made for Homo-Sapiens, here is the TV commercial to have you going about the features. I actually like it and the way you can get to understand what the device can do to you. Mostly that part where the device sleeps as soon as you doze off in bed in case you were watching a movie.
What do you think, worth the hype?
And I just stumbled upon this David Beckham Samsung Galaxy Note teaser for David Beckham, who will have something with Samsung on the 22nd of May, that’s next week. But its related to the coming Olympics where Samsung will have a huge presence with their new devices, mostly the Galaxy S III.