Scandinavian ad agency M&C Saatchi created the now (in)famous banner ads targeting users of the iPhone 5c, the HTC One and the Samsung Galaxy S4. The ads mock the said devices using their features in comparison with the LG G2’s. For instance the iPhone 5s is mocked for its small screen while the HTC One is bashed for its short battery life. The Galaxy S4 gets trolled for being slow since the G2 has a better processor. Interestingly, we now have some sort of unofficial response from the Samsung side. Galaxy S4 fans and users were not going to just sit there and let LG make fun of their beloved devices were they? They followed in the footsteps of Blackberry fans. See what they came up with below. It calls out LG’s device update policy which has often left flagship devices ignored without any updates. What do they propose you get instead of the G2? The Galaxy Note 3.
Note: this is just an image created and not ads as is the case with LG’s. Now that LG has its gloves off and ready to smear mud anywhere, we might see some official response from Samsung. Maybe not. After all Samsung has always gone for the big boys (Apple…) and not those behind it.