Pinterest is all about creating boards of interests where you pin content that you discover on the site to these boards. Some of these pins have links that you wouldn’t be able to see when you’re offline unless you saved them on apps like Pocket or Instapaper. Now, there is a new update for the iOS app where you can save these Pins with links on the app so that you can view them later.
To do this, you need the Pinterest button and the process has been visualized by this GIF:
You may wonder why they took so long in including this right from the start but better late than never. But how will this improve things? Well this Pinterest button will come in handy when you are in the middle of doing something else. In that moment, you will scroll fast checking out pins on the site or if someone shares a certain Pin of interest. Since you are busy, saving these articles on your various boards will be easier unlike the previous process where you save an article on Pocket which doesn’t go to your board.
Last month, Pinterest updated their app with a new search interface that makes it easier for users to find verified accounts of certain businesses or personalities on the platform. This is related to the buyable pins which are posts with blue buttons that indicate “Buy it” that will properly user Pinterest to the e-commerce industry. Now, this latest update will help users search and save easily posts on the go even if they are on a hurry. The company seems determined to keep an engaged audience as they plan to launch the buyable pins
The company has an alternative way for users on Android or on desktop to use this offline save which is detailed here.