WhatsApp Status was introduced during the copy-paste spree that Facebook was having after Snapchat refused to sell to them. Whether you like Status or not or you simply prefer the older text-based status, the truth is 250 million people use the feature every day.
WhatsApp is said to bringing the “much-loved” feature to the desktop and web version of the app. WhatsApp has added a new button next to the “New Chat” button.
Pressing the button opens up an overlay that will show you a list of all the status updates from your contact list. When you have a new status update from your contacts, a small dot badge will appear next to the status button.
When you tap on a specific status update, it will open up the status and start playing immediately. You can reply to the status just like you would on your phone using the text bar at the bottom. WABetaInfo had reported that one would be able to update their own status from the web or desktop by uploading a photo, video or GIF or by taking a picture through your web cam. However, seems like WhatsApp went back on this idea, as at the moment you can only view status updates.
To be able to use the status feature on web or desktop, you have to update your WhatsApp mobile app to the latest version and make sure that the WhatsApp Web version is 0.2.5854 or newer (menu -> Settings -> Help).