Game of Thrones final season is finally here and we’re five episodes in with one remaining. The showrunners have been releasing Inside the Episode clips on YouTube where they break down the episode after it airs and what they wanted to convey in the episode and what we should expect on the future episodes.
In this recent one released right after the fifth and penultimate episode, David Benioff and Dan Weiss break down how wild the whole episode was with a focus on Daenerys who has so far lost almost all of the members of her close circle from Jorah, Missandei, her two dragons, Rhaegal and Viserion who have died or those who have betrayed her or like Jon who now no longer returns her affections. She’s all alone and Benioff adds that that’s a dangerous place to be in when you have the kind of power that Dany has.
This leads her to make the decision to choose violence even after Kings Landing surrendered. It’s worse when she sees the Red Keep which is to her the home that her family built 300 years ago and has been taken and thus makes it personal to burn everything to ashes on her path of destruction. Jon, Tyrion, Arya are caught unawares. Other moments include the Hound and Arya before going to fight his older brother. Weiss talks about the destruction Dany has done through the perspective of Arya as we shift to Jaime and Cersei’s final moments.
These Inside the Episode clips bring about memes and so far fans of Game of Thrones have had fun finding amusing explanations from the showrunners.
HBO also publishes other short clips such as “Game Revealed” where we get a more of a light-hearted look at behind-the-scenes moments.
A YouTube channel by the name of Safety Patrol has jumped on this bandwagon by releasing their own parody versions of the Inside the Episode clips and they’re hilarious.
In this one, they give a recap of all seasons from the first one to the seventh one. It’s an interesting roundup of all the drama before the latest season.
After playing catch-up, the YouTubers start summarising the episodes of the new and last season. They are so accurate and some of the sarcastic comments start to actually make sense as this one from episode one mocking the first scenes.
“We’ve got only six episodes this season so we needed to start with a bang, with a rush, with something big – a 12-minute marching scene”
In episode 2, they talk about the disturbing scene between Arya and Gendry. There are bad jokes too such as one of the group members saying Podric singing was the first time there was a podcast.
In their third clip, they start by mocking how dark the scenes were from the Battle at Winterfell episode. They even mock the Dothraki charge and add why it took 55 nights to shoot the whole episode because they were waiting for Melisandre to get to her mark.
They even mock the terrible way the characters run such as Theon and Arya.
Winter has come and now it’s gone. It literally lasted a day begins the clip from the fourth episode. They even subtly showed Starbucks coffee cups in the background just as episode 4 did. It was later found out to be coffee cups from their production company and were digitally removed.
We can’t wait for the clip from last nights episode. We feel so bad that the channel has so few subscribers and views.
Go subscribe to them and stay for the comments.
Catch up on more memes from previous Game of Thrones season 8 episodes here: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4 and Episode 5.