Dark mode has been a selling point for operating systems and apps alike and for a good reason. We use these devices at night and don’t want to be blinded by the white background.
Apple implemented system wide dark mode on iOS 13 and it was a key feature of the release. It started of course with first party apps and later on trickled to 3rd party apps on the App Store.
WhatsApp has been hard at work trying to implement dark mode on iOS and finally they have released to the beta channel.
According to WABETAInfo, WhatsApp for iOS (version beta) finally has the much awaited dark mode feature. WhatsApp has been working on this for a while so iOS users will be happy.
Apparently when you update to the beta version, open WhatsApp, wait until a connection is found and kill WhatsApp. Afterwards, open WhatsApp again and you can start to use the dark theme.
When you launch it, it shows the dark splash screen that we have seen before on the Android app. Chat bubbles and the background are dark. Notices that inform you of the end-to-end encryption are written in yellow. On iOS, WhatsApp has a proper dark mode unlike what I see on Android.
The dark mode for WhatsApp for iOS is not supported for iPhones that don’t run iOS 13 since WhatsApp uses iOS 13 APIs.
The rollout of dark mode to the WhatsApp for iOS beta app follows the wide release of dark mode for Android users last month. On Android, you can enable it to run all the time or follow the system default settings (useful for Android 10).
It may take some time for this feature to be released to everyone so brace yourselves iOS users.