Short-form videos have grown in popularity and social media companies like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and weirdly, LinkedIn who’ve already cloned Snapchat’s Stories are now looking to copy TikTok or launch apps to compete with it. YouTube is one of those with the recent announcement of Shorts.
YouTube Shorts has been rolling out to some users already as an in-app feature similar to its Stories. It even appears next to it.
The difference between the two is that Shorts has a timestamp, title and creator’s name instead of their thumbnail.
Shorts appear as vertical videos and only popular creators can upload. For now, you can only like or dislike and also subscribe to the creator.
Just like Instagram’s Stories that give a section of a song to use, Shorts does the same using YouTube’s catalogue of licensed music which will be made available to creators for use in the videos.
I have it too oof
— Arseniy Graur (@argraur) April 3, 2020
It’ll be interesting to see the uptake of this feature.
YouTube has been rolling out new features for its Android and iOS apps since the year began like the new Explore Tab, Profile cards that show a person’s comment history and channel previews in the comment section.