YouTube has been on a roll lately: testing new features, launching them as soon as possible, even bringing new features as the platform grows. When 2019 started, YouTube considered changing the limit for offline video quality, brought YouTube Premium and YouTube Music to South Africa(First African country), started hiding subscriber counts form the public, rolled out Topic Filters on the Homepage, revamped the Up Next Screen, made YouTube Originals free, started rethinking how it counts views after a recent controversy and decided to only include views from organic plays when ranking 24-hour record-breaking music videos, they revised its verification process which upset a lot of creators, begun testing new UI and revamped the homepage to include longer video titles and larger thumbnails.
YouTube is now starting the new year with new features it has begun testing. The YouTube app is bringing new changes to the comment section. YouTube will soon start showing users a channel preview in an overlay on top of the comment section.
The channel previews appears as a pop-up message when you open the comment that states: New! Tap to learn more about this user!
When you tap on the profile photo of any user in the comment section will bring up a bottom sheet with a preview of that user’s channel as seen by XDA-Developers. The review shows when the user joined the platform, the subscriber count, a subscribe button and the content available on the channel (comments in this case).
We’ll update you when this feature goes live for all users as of now it’s just for a few users.