If you’ve been binge-watching a ton of videos of YouTube, you may have noticed a little revamp to the comment section.
You are not alone. The giant Google-owned video sharing platform which turned 15 yesterday has collapsed the comment section and it now appears right below the video description.
In the older interface, access to the comment section meant scrolling past recommended videos.
In the newer interface, the collapsed comment section can be expanded just by tapping on it.
The comment section preview shows automatically selected top comments based on engagement and interaction.
It is worth noting that comments pinned by creators don’t necessarily show up in the preview. They can only be accessed by expanding the collapsed section.
Another thing you’ll notice is the redesigned video thumbnails in the Up Next section – they’re now covering the full width of the screen so you get to see the full video title.
These changes are server-side updates.
YouTube also started testing Chapters to make it easier to watch longer videos and also introduced YouTube Shorts.