Twitter is increasingly introducing new features aimed to make users experience on the platform more private.
The social media giant has announced new social privacy tools that give users on the platform more control to make their experience better and tweet more.
You’ll soon be able to control your follower list and edit it by removing followers – just like how Instagram does it.
The only way to currently do this by blocking the account. This feature could roll out later this month.
Twitter will also let users hide their public likes, finally so they stop showing up on your follower’s timelines. You will choose who sees your likes and set it to select groups, your followers or everyone – something TikTok already does.
Instead of deleting old tweets, Twitter is now testing letting users archive their tweets. The social network will allow you to hide old tweets after a set amount of time. The hidden tweets will only be visible to you.
Tweets can be archived after a month, two months or three months to up to a year.
Twitter is also testing a feature that will let you remove yourself from a conversation. It will work the same way you can send a tweet and choose who to mention. This feature may launch before the end of the year.
As an avid user of Twitter, these feature are more than welcome and should roll out sooner rather than later.
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