Huawei on Friday partnered with Khulisani-an enterprise development company that focuses on the ongoing upliftment of individuals with disabilities-in South of Johannesburg, South Africa in a move to support people with disabilities in the area. This move seeks to eliminate illiteracy among communities that result from some limiting situations like disability. The two launched a mobile information and communications technology training centre project that will be used for enabling these underprivileged access vital computer skills.
Meyerton, Vereenigning, Vanderbijipark, Sasolburg and surrounding low income residential areas will benefit from these ICT Training centres. The five special needs schools that will benefit from the project will be J.N.S school for children with Cerebral palsy, EUREKA school for mentally disabled, Handhawer School, Sebokeng Technical High school and Thabavuyo School.
Wilson Lui, CEO Huawei South said that statistics show that 5% of South African Population lives with disabilities and and factors like poverty, unemployment, insufficient training and education and huge and common stumbling blocks for them. This will be a pilot project who’s objectives will be to lay a foundation in terms of computer literacy with much focus on basic desktop training, MS office Suite and Internet access.