WhatsApp is closing in on Telegram‘s territory when it comes to sharing media files. The popular messaging app is increasing its media file sharing limit from 100MB to 2GB. – something Telegram already does.
WABetainfo shares that WhatsApp is testing the new limit with WhatsApp beta users on both its iOS( and Android apps(version, and
WhatsApp has been busy this past few weeks with testing and launching new features.
The messaging app brought emoji message reactions that let you react to messages by using emoji reactions. This feature is rolling out to Android users and the reactions are limited to just six- Thanks, Sad, Surprised, Like, Laugh and Love.
WhatsApp has also rolled out its multi-device feature to everyone. This feature lets you access WhatsApp on multiple devices without the need for the linked device to be constantly connected to your primary phone for it to work.
Here is how to sign-up for multi-device use:
- Open the WhatsApp app on your phone.
- Click on the menu button (three dots at the top right).
- Click on Linked Devices.
- Then tap Multi-device beta, then Join Beta.
- Joining beta will see your account unlinked from other connected devices.
- Click on Continue to join multi-device beta.
- After that, you can link a new device to your WhatsApp account by selecting the Link a device button.
- Prior to doing so, open web.whatsapp.com on the target phone or device.
- Then authenticate the exercise using your biometrics or QR code reader to scan the code from WhatsApp Web on the target phone.
- Your target device should now be linked to your WhatsApp account.
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