We all engage in different hobbies during our leisure time away from our normal routine. Some engage in leisure, others decide to read articles or novels and others like Katherine Dey decide to engage in interesting hobbies like baking cakes.
According to her Coroflot profile, she is a registered nurse from Rochester, New York and from her portfolio on the website, she is an artist too! There are several collections in her portfolio like Illustrations, Portraits, Medical simulations, Sculptures, Body Art and weird cakes. The last two projects are of focus today and they are rather interesting.
Weird realistic cakes
People tend to get creative sometimes when it comes to cakes but Katherine takes it to a whole new level. Her creations are inspired by various things like her connection to medical practice and others are just random objects that look absurdly real;
The severed pig
The glazed ham cake
Looks rather tasty to be honest.
Brain stem cake
This looks absurdly accurate and her anatomy knowledge is clearly shown here
Bees in a honeycomb cake
Body Art
This is the other project that shows her knowledge of the human anatomy. Most of the pictures are paintings of the various muscles tendons and veins on the human body and they are pretty cool.
Full body muscle art
Vein art
Lower back muscles art
This is not the first time we have seen people uploading interesting portfolios to the web that contain interesting projects they have been working on. We have seen a guy from the US who worked on a project that involved Maasai warriors in a Star Wars setting.