Twitter Spaces is one of the social network’s most popular features they’ve been working on since late last year. Thanks to Twitter‘s big name, Spaces is now a favourite feature for people using the live audio format Clubhouse made popular and is now playing catch up.
Twitter Spaces boasts a couple of new features such as Scheduled Spaces, Ticketed Spaces, availability on the web and more importantly, who can now host a session.
Early this year, the metric was that anyone with more than 600 followers could host a Twitter Space. This changes from today as Twitter will now let anyone hosts a live audio session.
Simply tap the compose button which opens up to options like post a tweet, photos, GIF and now host a Space.
We’ll soon be seeing a dedicated tab for space that’s now only accessible for English users on iOS. This feature isn’t yet available for Android users yet. This feature makes Spaces more discoverable.
However, if someone you follow is listening to a Space, the purple bubble will appear on top of your timeline or on their profile pic for you to join if you’re interested.
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