Chinese device maker Xiaomi is back to selling its smartphones in Nigeria after a short hiatus. Xiaomi’s temporary absence from the market was occasioned by an interim injunction filed by Mi-Fone Africa and granted by the Federal High Court of Nigeria on March 1st that halted any sale or distribution of its devices in the expansive West African nation.
Xiaomi’s entry into the African market has been challenged by Mi-Fone, an African smartphone brand, that has accused the Chinese company of intellectual property infringement. Mi-Fone objects to the use of the “Mi” branding by Xiaomi as it claims that it is its registered trademark on the continent.
According to representatives of Xiaomi’s appointed distributors in Africa, Mobile in Africa Limited, who we reached out to, the company re-introduced its smartphones in the Nigerian market on April 30th after the lapse of the period ordered by the injunction in law.
The ex-parte orders made in the above captioned suit against MIA and all members within the ambit of the class action will therefore lapse on 29 April 2016. Parties are at liberty to distribute and offer for sale electronic devices bearing the “MI” trademark as from 30 April 2016 until otherwise advised.
Xiaomi is selling its devices like the Redmi Note 2 through e-commerce platform Jumia whose holding company, Ecart Internet Services, was among the listed respondents to Mi-Fone’s suit.
Xiaomi is currently selling its devices in two other African countries, Kenya and South Africa and will be expanding to several more markets on the continent this year.