Google owns the biggest search engine in the world which means billions of people use it daily. However, it has always been traditionally based on a white webpage and the advent of the dark mode train meant eventually it will change.
It seems Google is doing exactly that thanks to a test spotted by 9To5Google. According to the publication, Google is testing a native dark theme for desktop search.
“The white background switches to a dark gray hue that matches first-party mobile apps. Google’s logo is white instead of being multi-colored, though the microphone icon is unchanged, while the gray outline of the search field is reversed. The usually colorful icons representing the different filters (All, Images, News, etc.) are just blue, with the tab accent color similar. ” the publication describes the new changes. Also in the new theme, black text is grey and a different shade of blue is used for links.
This test is on a small number of users and the publication mentions that they noticed the changes on Windows 10 versions of Chrome and Firefox.
Currently, we have very few Google webpages that have a native dark theme. This is mostly on YouTube assets which include YouTube, YouTube TV and YouTube Music.
Google has experience on dark mode after rolling out system wide dark mode on Android and on several of their apps but not Chrome. This is a good sign that we will get that feature on Chrome as we browse at night where the light background can be a nuisance.