KCPE 2012 results will be announced today, I pity the pupils who will have to undergo a delay in secondary school selections due to some strike that happened late last year. Well, that’s not the reason we are here. We know what happens every year when KCPE and KCSE results are announced. Everyone wants to get theirs as soon as possible, so they go the natural way, SMS and web portal.
Having had the same situation repeat itself over and over again when KCPE/KCSE results are announced, is KNEC (Kenya National Examination Council) ready with the necessary server capacity or will it be a disappointment as usual with servers going overloaded in a matter of minutes? What does it take to get the server providing the results fluently and providing the server requests irrespective of the numbers? We cant keep doing this over and over again like this is a natural disaster.
Well that said, for those who want to check their’s and their relatives results on-line, here is a quick reminder:
- You can go the cheap way of going to the KNEC exams portal (seems like it’s already gotten defensive) or
- SMS your Index number to short-code 5052 and get feedback via SMS.
Good luck with that.