Telegram CEO, Pavel Durov announced that Telegram will now share user IP and phone numbers in response to the legal requests. This decision comes in response to mounting scrutiny and legal pressure over the app’s involvement in enabling criminal activities.
“Telegram’s search function is more robust than other messaging apps, allowing users to discover public channels and bots. Unfortunately, this capability has been misused by individuals who violated our Terms of Service to sell illegal goods,” Durov explained.
In August, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was detained at Bourget Airport, near Paris, in connection with an ongoing investigation into the app’s moderation policies. Authorities are scrutinizing Telegram’s failure to prevent criminal activities on its platform. More so, the illicit use of its search features to facilitate illegal transactions.
Durov, who has consistently denied any wrongdoing, was released on bail but remains in Paris under court orders. He is barred from leaving the country while the investigation continues. Durov highlights the increasing legal challenges faced by messaging platforms regarding content moderation and responsibility for user activity.
The policy shift
Under the new guidelines, Telegram now complies with legal requests. This is by sharing the IP addresses and phone numbers of users who are under investigation for criminal activities. This is a notable shift from the company’s previous stance of minimal data sharing. Telegram insists that it still does not share user messages or conversations, only metadata such as IP addresses and phone numbers, and only when legally required to do so.
Telegram founder, Pavel Durov, emphasizes that Telegram will only respond to legitimate legal requests, and that privacy remains a core value for the platform. Durov further assures users that Telegram is not compromising on its commitment to safeguarding private conversations.
Privacy Concerns
Despite all the assurances, many telegram users are alarmed by these policies. Critics believe that any level of data sharing weakens Telegram’s promise of privacy and could lead to misuse or excessive control by authorities.
Telegram’s decision to share IP addresses and phone numbers represents a pivotal shift for the platform. This move aims to address concerns about the app being used for criminal purposes. Also, it raises important questions about the future of privacy on encrypted messaging services. Telegram must balance its legal responsibilities with the need to maintain users’ trust and uphold its reputation for privacy.