We are almost reaching a filter overload where every social network has an easy tool for people to add filters to their photos and videos. Just yesterday Skype also updated their apps to include support for video filters when you are having a video chat with someone. Snapchat already had video filters which are the more mundane ones that change the colour tone of the video and Geofilters that are used in tagging a video to a specific Live event like the one we had recently for Nairobi. The new ones are far different from what we have seen before in that they actually change other properties of the video rather than colour.
These new filters are called “Speed modifiers” and they do exactly that. They are three in total including a rewind one which oddly is not available on Android. The other two as shown above are bunny for obviously fast forwarding and a snail for slowing down the video. The great thing about it is that it will allow you to deliberately slow down or fast forward a video you want to share for a certain dramatic effect.
Be prepared to see such videos being populated on your stories page combined with other features like the Snapchat Lenses which involve adding an augmented layer on your face so as to have a dramatic effect. Unfortunately you won’t be able to see more of snaps thanks to Snapchat’s earlier move that limits the number of times you can view on a snap.